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Sold. B2b Seo Company In Growing Niche With Recurring Revenue

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Reason for selling:
-The owner has interests in many different companies and is currently a partner in 3 other companies -The seller has kept this company for so long due to its stability and cash flow generating capacity; the owner earns between $250-310k per year from the business (while fully staffed), which provides a great lifestyle on top of other ventures. -The seller usually focuses on a company for about 2-3 years and moves on to another project to turn it around and make it successful. They recently acquired 1/3 ownership of a company that they want to focus on turning around.
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For sale is an internet marketing company specializing in SEO that is growing every year and grew by 35% in 2015. They focus on SEO for some key niche market service providers (full details available in prospectus with NDA)

The Company has been in business for 7 years, employing 6 full-time people covering the strategic areas of sales, technical, marketing, finance and general management. This is a 100% virtual company and can be run from anywhere and is super organized and efficient.

For its services the company uses a monthly recurring revenue model, with monthly client fees ranging from $750 per month to $5,000 per month. They provide a market leading service that generally produces between a 5-10x ROI for standard clients, some superstar clients reaching as high as 20x+. One client recently spent $60K with them and generated $1.2mm.

This company is a great fit as a strategic acquisition for a company looking to enter or expand in the niche the company focuses on. Their internet marketing technology is superior in this niche and combined with the industry leading staff could realistically triple the size of the right strategic acquirer.

IMPORTANT - Financials shown are 2016 Forecast.
2015 financials were $864,923 Revenue and $413,000 EBITDA

Highlights & Key Assets:

-Industry leader in their key SEO niuche; no competition for their niche technical approach to the market
-Noted as the most ethical and actionable SEO company in the nation by an independent industry leader during a secret shopping test they ran on SEO companies nationwide.
-Recurring revenue base with stable clients (some for 6 years) ; zero debt company post buyout
-Growing business - grew by 35% last year ; has been growing every year since inception
-Fully staffed virtual business ; smooth, fast, efficient, organized operations
-Owns and dominates an economy proof market niche and is making inroads every year into other niches attached to it
-High potential market segments still untapped - the Company plans to expand into these areas as well
-Expanding more and more into other niche markets associated with the business